The Dragging Equipment Detector at State Line, KY

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Construction Update #3 - Pink Foam & Backdrops

Pink Foam & More Pink Foam


Went to Home Depot to buy some "straight" 1x4's for the upper level staging yard and came home with six 4x8 sheets of pink foam instead; 3 pieces 2" thick and 3 pieces 1" thick.  The Bowling Green yard is along the east wall of the room.  It is 27'  from end to end and 24" wide.  Two layers, 3" thick rest on 1x4's laid horizontally over traditional L-Girder.  With the exception of the helix, the entire lower level is flat.

The bottom layer of foam is normally 2" thick.  The top layer is 1" thick.   The 1x4's supporting the foam are normally spaced about 12-16" apart.  The 110' turntable was cut into the 1" foam and a portion of the 2" foam.  A 1x4 was placed directly under the turntable for additional support.

In this area, opposite the Bowling Green yard, the position of the foam was reversed for scenic reasons.  The stream bed is a piece of masonite sitting directly on the L-Girder.  Next up is a 1x4 followed by a 1" piece of  foam and a  2" piece of foam. This arrangement will facilitate a low swampy area on each side of the stream.



Trackside Scenery created a custom backdrop for the stream crossing.  They lowered the stream bed about 3" and blended in the surrounding terrain.  It cost about $60 to make this change but the effect is amazing.

I couldn't resist getting a preview so I cut out the existing sky and temporarily taped up the backdrop behind the bridge.  The bridge here will consist of  90 and 50' deck bridges with wood pile trestles on each of the approaches.

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