The Dragging Equipment Detector at State Line, KY

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Construction Update #2 - Benchwork & Signals

MBG&C #8002

U-30C #8002 is a recent acquisition from a used locomotive dealer.  Ex N&W #8002 got a hasty "dip" black paint job and new lettering.  Two more, 8000 and 8001 are currently undergoing a heavy overhaul and will receive a full Madisonville, Bowling Green & Chattanooga repaint.

The 8002 is another reasonably priced Atlas Master Series model.  The large "NW" lettering was removed from the long hood and both ends.  The cab numbers and number boards were left alone.  The long and short hoods were given a light coat of  Testor's Model Master gloss black and standard MBG&C lettering followed.  It was finished off with some subtle weathering using Bragdon's powdered pigments and sealed with Model Master's lusterless clear.  It is equipped with a Tsunami2 sound decoder and a TCS KA1 Current Keeper.  



The existing perimeter backdrops from the old layout were in pretty good condition.  A little filling and sanding was all they needed.   My local Ace Hardware matched a 14 year old can of backdrop blue paint and the end result is just about perfect.

Again, salvaged material from the old layout was used for the center or lower section of the "mushroom".  It was cut to size and installed.  Some minor patching and sanding was required.  The backdrop is 18" high between the lower and upper levels.   The layout, at this location, will feature a multi-span deck girder bridge over a medium sized stream.  Trackside Scenery made a custom backdrop for this area that features a stream bed about 3" lower than normal.  Joey at Trackside is great and I highly recommend their products.  I can't wait to work on the scene.

The end of the peninsula.  The upper level bench work is just about complete in this area. 




Atlas is re-introducing it's old signal system with a number of updates.  I experimented around with the old version and found it worked pretty good for a "plug and play" ABS system.  The updated Universal version includes a more versatile signal control board along with "plug and play" Atlas versions of  BLMA signals.  The components are compatible with the earlier versions of the Atlas system, old BLMA signals, other signals, and the system can support CTC operations.  The updated signals won't be available until later this year but some of the components are currently in stock.  The system is compatible with just about any form of  block detection.  I will probably use detectors from NCE.  My signal control modules arrived last week.  You can download the manual from Atlas's website.  Pretty cool for some one like me who is electronically challenged.  Some of the components are limited run.


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