The Dragging Equipment Detector at State Line, KY

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Construction Update #44 - Scenery around Monteagle & the Chip Processing Plant

Scenery work continues in the area around the summit at Monteagle.  Unfortunately, it's going to take a lot of tress.  I have placed around 50 in this area and I probably need another 200-250.  Regardless it looks presentable and here we have the northbound L&N TBG2 (Tullahoma to Bowling Green) stopped at Monteagle for orders.  The L&N has trackage rights over the Madisonville Sub between Memphis Junction in Bowling Green and Sparta, TN via Cookeville Junction (staging).

L&N #5600 was one of three Alco C-430s owned by the L&N.  I picked up the DCC ready model off ebay about a year ago for $135.00.  When I finally got around to working on it, about a month ago, I found out it was a factory equipped with sound and included all the appropiate documentation.  Since there was no mention of it being sound equipped on the box, it can only be assuemed it was a factory mistake.  Regardless, I removed the Loksound decoder and replaced it with my standard Tsunami2 and TCS KA1 keep alive.  I sold the Loksound Select decoder on ebay for $86.


The Chip Processing Plant at Monteagle

Originally a coal truck dump was planned for this spot.  After doing more research, I decided to replace the coal dump with a wood chip processing facility.  Lots of chip are processed in this part of the country for paper mills and other uses.  

The process

I decided that the Walthers "Sawmill Outbuildings" kit would make a good starting point.

I changed things around an bit and here is what I came up with.  I repainted all the structures and added some light weathering,

Chip processing includes debarking.  Debarking equipment is not incuded with the kit.  I did a little research and decided on a roatry debarker and chipper.  I found this diagram on the internet and decided to loosely base my model on this drawing.

Most of the debarker and chipping machinery were built using parts from kit left overs and a few scratch built parts.

Here is the finished product.

The chip processing plant on the layout.  A lot of background scenery needs to be finished up before the plant can be "planted" in place.

And finally, here is a photo of the overall scene with the Monteagle deopot in the distance. 

As always, your comments & suggestions are welcome

1 comment:

  1. The chip processing plant is very impressive as is the location it will occupy. Nice work!
