The Dragging Equipment Detector at State Line, KY

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Construction Update #42 - Cumberland (Summit) Access Road

When I originally installed the roadbed around the summit (Cumberland), I included a pad for a small  depot.  About a year ago, I picked up the small depot shown in the photo from my local hobby shop.  It was about the right size, nicely built, and would serve serve as a temporary stand for the "future" Cumberland Depot.  All it need was a means of access.

The only way to reasonable access the depot, other than by rail, was by a bridge over the lower portion of the horseshoe curve leading to the summit and a retaining wall to hold back the hillside.  The Rix Rural Timber Overpass seemed to fit the bill and I just happened to have one on hand.


The bridge required a little modification but it worked out just fine.  Then a template was made using .060" Evergreen Scale Models styrene sheet stock.

The scale lumber 2x12's were cut to length, stained with Builders in Scale "Silverwood" and glued to the template with ACC. 

 The verticle 12x12's were stained and glued on with Aleeb's Tacky Cement.

The bridge and retaining wall installed on the layout.  The matching the color of the bridge to the retaining wall with have to wait until the new LED ceiling lights are installed.

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