State Line
Here's a view from beneath the bridge.
Here's a view from beneath the bridge.
Here is where the foreground river meets the backdrop. So far, so good.
Overview of progress to date.
CSX #5511 leads a westbound freight between State Line and Bowling Green
There are several good SuperTree tutorials on YouTube so I'm not going repeat all that info here. But, I did try several of the variations described on YouTube so I will tell you what worked and didn't work for me. First, make sure you paint the stalks. They come a yellow/tan color which is not at all realistic. I used rattle cans to paint the trunks gray and the rest of the tree a dark brown. Note the color of actual tree trunks in the background.
Use 3M Super 77 spray adhesive to hold on the foliage. It is quick, easy, clear and holds forever. Apply sparingly and sprinkle on the foliage material form above. Don't roll the tree around in a bucket of foliage material if you want a lacy looking tree. Use Scenic Express Super Leaf. You can also use various shades of course ground foam but the end result can't compare, in my opinion, to the Super Leaf. Super Leaf comes in a variety of colors. I used three shades of green. Use a clear flat lacquer to seal the tree. Some people use extra hold hair spray because it is cheap. It works but remains sticky for ever.
Here's another photo. The backdrop is about 3" from the track on the left and about 20" from the track on the right.
Here is a photo of progress to date. The area beneath the pile trestle is supposed to be marshland. Not sure how I am going to accomplish that! I've used about 40 trees to this point.