The Dragging Equipment Detector at State Line, KY

Friday, November 18, 2022

Working on Sn3

 Please note that I have not updated the

Madisonville Sub Blog in some time.  I have

decided to convert the upper level to Sn3 and have been

working on Sn3 projects since mid September.

If you would like to see what I am up to, there are Sn3 updates at

Sn3 P-B-L K-28 #476 and P-B-L K-27 #463 (Both of these locomotives are still in service on the Durango & Silverton and the Cumbres & Toltec).

The Sn3 Arroyo Lobo Lube House and Foreman's Office (P-B-L Kit)

The Arroyo Lobo Section House (Building & Structure Co Kit)

The Arroyo Lobo Engine House.  It still needs stacks. (Scratch Built)

If you would like to receive notifications for the Sn3 blog updates, let me know and I will add you to the list -