The Dragging Equipment Detector at State Line, KY

Friday, April 24, 2020

Construction Update #6 - CEMEX & Upper Level Scenery Base

More Stay Home, Stay Safe & Social Distancing


Its getting more difficult to work on the layout due to a lack of materials.  I haven't been to the hobby shop in about a month but I did get to my local hardware store to pick up a few things.  In the meantime I have been jumping around from one project to another in order to keep things moving forward.


The CEMEX redi-mix plant at Westmoreland


In the last update, I mentioned that I had ordered additional backdrops from Trackside Scenery.  They arrived last week so I got busy and got a couple of them up before I ran out of Super 77 spray adhesive.  Here are a couple of pictures of the CEMEX plant in it's final configuration.  Originally the shed for unloading concrete was in the back behind the large storage bins. After a couple of days of moving things around, I realized that moving and uncoupling cars behind the fragile conveyor was going to be a real problem,  As a result, it is now out front.

Here are two more shots of the plant.  Its readily apparent how much depth the backdrop adds to the scene as compared to the photo in Update #5.  The LED rope lights also got installed this last week.  These pictures were taken without the room lights turned on; only the LED's.  I bought the rope lights off ebay... twice.  The first batch, labeled "Daylight White" were way to cool.  The second batch were labeled "Natural White" 4000 to 4500K.  Each waterproof rope, about 16 feet long and had 300, 5630 "Super Bright" LED's.  The "Natural White" LED's are just about perfect.   Four ropes and a 12 volt power supply cost about $50.00,

The small corrugated warehouse came from a Walther's kit.  I cut it in half, long ways, and placed it up against the brick structure printed on the backdrop.  There were four of these great little warehouses in the kit and I used three of them on my recently dismantled Sn3 layout.   This was one of them.  Two more small structures are on the work bench for the CEMEX complex as are several more tanks for additives and two more silos for concrete and fly ash.

Basic Scenery on the Upper Level

Grundy is directly above Westmoreland and things can and have dropped through the bench work to the lower level.  In order to protect the CEMEX redi-mix plant I decided to install some hard shell on the upper level.  On my Sn3 layout, I used about 15 4s8 sheets of 2" pink foam for my basic land forms.  But, at nearly $30 a sheet at Home Depot, an alternative had to be found.  
I saw this method demonstrated on several You Tube videos.  I thought I give it a try.  1" Pink foam profiles were cut and hot glued in place about every 6-8"  The entire upper level will probably take two 4x8 pieces of pink foam.

The pink foam was followed up with cardboard strips woven around and over the pink foam profiles and hot glued in place. 

The next step requires a layer of painter's paper hot glued in place.  That will have to wait since I don't have any of the paper but that's OK.  I have enough pink foam and cardboard to keep me going for at least another week

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Contruction Update #5 - The Helix, Bridge, CEMEX, Hills & more hoppers

Stay Home, Stay Safe & Social Distancing


The Helix

While the coronavirus lock down has effected millions of people, its hadn't really impacted progress on the MBG&C until last week.  Once all of sub-roadbed and cork roadbed were in place on the upper deck, with the exception of the staging yard and reverse loop,  I decided it was time to work my way down or better said up the helix.  It ain't all that pretty, but the transitions are smooth, the grade has worked out to be a near perfect 2.2% with little or no variation and  each loop includes provisions for expansion and contraction.
Unfortunately, I underestimated the amount of plywood needed and ran out about two thirds of the way up.  On to another project.

The Bridge over "No Name"creek

The bridge over "No Name" creek was built with Walthers bridge kits.  They include a 90' deck bridge, a 50' deck bridge and a pile trestle.  The piers and abutmunts are also Walthers kits.  Building the deck bridges was pretty straight forward.  Each of them took less than hour to put tegether.  I had to measure and cut down the wood pilings so that portion of the crossing took several hours.  The most difficult part of the process was cutting down the piers and the abutment.  Everything went according to plan until I placed the 50' span on the abutments; it was warped.  I tied straightening it out by heating it in boiling water and then clamping it between two blocks of hardwood; it didn't work.  It came out of the clamp just as it had gone in... warped.  Then I tried applying liberal amounts of Tamiya extra thin plastic cement to most of the joints.  Luckily, all of the glue joints are on the inside of the girders.  After a couple of hours clamped between the hardwood blocks, warping was no longer a problem.

Here is an overall view of the scene.  It is about 20' long.  I have the backdrops for this entire scene.  One of these days I'll get up the courage to wrap the next one around that corner.

The CEMEX redi-mix plant at Westmoreland


Work was also started on the CEMEX redi-mix plant at Westmoreland.  Again, a Walthers kit was used as a starting point.  In addition, my stash of  kits provided some large silos and conveyors from an old gravel plant kit imported from Revell.  A kit from Kibri, will provide some additional storage for cement and fly ash.  Another backdrop, ordered from Trackside Scenery will be used here at Westmoreland.  I pasted together three low resolution scans and taped each of them to the backdrop to get an idea on how they would look.  I decided on the one shown in the photo and ordered it and another from Joey and Trackside.

More coal hoppers

Like the hoppers shown in Update #4, these 70 ton coal hoppers were purchased from the Southern (Bowser).  Since these pictures were taken, the cars have been lettered and had metal wheel sets and Kadee #58 couplers installed.  Five of these were added to the fleet..

Not sure who made this car but it got the same treatment.


Hills Pet Nutrition (Maybe)


I don't think I have previously posted a picture of Hill's Pet Nutrition.   Getting a structure to this point doesn't take a lot of time and can easily be moved back to the work bench for details, paint and weathering.  Hills is another combination of four kit-bashed Walthers kits and a few scratch built components.  Its about seven feet long and sits next to the Bowling Green GM assembly plant shown in an earlier post.

Friday, April 3, 2020

The Reverse Loop is back/Operations

Revised Track Plan (Version 3)

The reverse loop on the upper level is back.  Three factors influenced this decision.  First, the decision was made to use CARROUTE software from Decapod systems to operate the railroad.  CAROUTE is a computerized system which generates the information required to move cars on the railroad. It maintains the car status in a disk file between sessions and requires no additional input after the initial system is set up. CAROUTE uses a set of waybills for each car and a list of industries for each train to describe your railroad.  As a result, the waybills can be structured so a train enter and leave a staging yard without any shuffling of cars between operating sessions.  Second, the upper staging yard is over is about 85" off the floor so accessing it to shuffle cars around is difficult.  And third, if someone wants to casually run a train around between operating sessions, the return loop on the upper level provides for a convenient "out and back" operation.


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Second Hand Coal Hopper & More

Not a lot got done over the last week or so.  I managed to get the splinter of all splinters in my index finger while sanding the edge of plywood to prevent splinters.  My wife who is a nurse took one look at it at sent me to the doctor. Our primary care doctor shot my now infected finger full of pain killer and dug around for awhile and came up empty.  Two days later I was at a hand specialist and on the next day he removed a splinter that nearly went through my entire finger... 


Some second hand coal hopper for the MBG&C


Work shifted from the train room to my upstairs workshop in one of our spare bedrooms.  Now the MGB&C is always on the lookout for some serviceable second hand equipment and low and behold some 70 ton coal hopper became available.  The Southern no longer had much use for 70 ton coal hoppers but they were just what the MGB&C needed to forward coal loads from the mines around Grundy to the Kinder Morgan's Grand Rivers Terminal at Jessup, KY,

Southern #70122 is a factory decorated model from Bowser.  Cant't remember whether this was a kit or RTR car but a couple of years ago it got new semi-scale wheel sets, Kadee #58 couplers and some weathering; kind of a good enough model that could tolerate some handling that goes along with an operating layout.

The cars were masked off with Tamiya masking tape, covered with a styrene mask and the sides and end numbers were sprayed with Models Master flat black from a spray can

MBG&C #31031 (ex Southern #70122) - One of nine 70 ton hoppers added to the fleet while my finger heals.

Bridge for the Stream Scene


I also spent some time assembling the bridges for the "stream scene". (I'm going to have to come up with a name).  Two Walthers girder bridges got built, a 90' and a 50' along with an abutment for one end and two piers.  The bridges went together in about an hour, I spent a half a day measuring and cutting down the abutment and piers to fit my location.  The approach, on the far side, will be on a wood pile trestle.



I've been plowing around on the Internet looking for lighting ideas for the lower level.  I found a great YouTube video (railfan220) on using LED rope lighting on the lower level of his double deck layout.  He provided the link for the ebay seller and I ordered up a power supply and rope lighting based upon his recomendations.  I should have a test section up soon, so I can provide an update in a week or two.